Friday, June 19, 2015

Jurassic World

Like many 90’s kids, Jurassic Park was a staple of my awesome childhood. I remember seeing the frightening film in the theatre when it first came out and hoping, nay, praying, that the technology depicted was real and someday I would get to pet a dinosaur.
 For its time, the graphics were phenomenal, the first film to use CGI. The intensity that the iconic film portrays, especially when the glass of water begins vibrating in anticipation for the T-Rex, was enough to scare you out of your seat. Fun Fact: A guitar was plucked beneath the glass of water to create the ripple effect.

              I also recall seeing The Lost World: Jurassic Park in theatres. During the second time we saw it, I panicked when Julianne Moore’s character, Sarah, falls onto the glass in the trailer, even though I was expecting it. It slowly began to crack over the rocky shore, leading the audience to believe she was about to fall to her imminent death. My mom actually had to take me out of the theatre because I was so scared. Looking back now, I don’t know why that, of all things, caused such great anxiety. It’s all good though because my mom took me to the Disney Store to console me while my dad and grandpa finished the movie.
              There were many great memories associated with the franchise, so when I first found out Jurassic World was happening, I was filled with many emotions: excitement, anticipation, but, most of all, nostalgia. I was even more pumped after I discovered the cast: Chris Pratt (Yummy!), Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D’Onofrio, and even little Ty Simpkins. I couldn’t wait to see where the new director was taking the franchise and how he was going to use these fabulous actors.

              My whole fam and I went to see the new movie together in IMAX 3-D, which was such a fun experience and SO worth it! The next night (I know, I’m crazy), my husband and I went again, but to the Standard showing this time. I can’t even begin to describe the difference, so just trust me on this: See it at least once in IMAX 3-D! You can thank me later.

              Jurassic World does NOT disappoint my high expectations. What it lacks in character development, it way more than makes up for in graphics, action (i.e. dino fights), and heart, cause, you know…"The Raptor Squad." For more on "The Raptor Squad," please read this hilarious article from Buzzfeed:

So without further ado, here is a list of my top 10 favorite things about Jurassic World:

1)      "The Raptor Squad," obviously. #BlueTheVelociraptor #RaptorSquad4Lyfe

2)      With that theme, Blue, was clearly the most adorable velociraptor I have ever seen…and I want one!

3)      Chris Pratt as the “Alpha-mommy”

4)      The purposely over-emphasized product placement

5)      The throwback to all of the best scenes from the original

6)      Jake Johnson AKA “Lowery” AKA Nick Miller, for you New Girl fans.

7)      The fact that BDH wore heels the entire film while being chased by dinosaurs!

8)      The epic dino battle at the end: Rexy FTW

9)      Also, the fact that the T-Rex was the OG from Jurassic Park. Seriously, check her scars at the end, they’re from the final showdown with the raptors in the original.

10)   Finally, that there is an actual website for the fake park ( )

I would have liked to have seen a bit more background from Owen, Claire, Gray, and Zach, so I give this film a 9.5/10, only docking it for lack of character development.  Overall, it met all of my childhood hopes and dreams and I cannot wait to go see it for a third time!

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